Photo Prayer 2020-26 -- Two Minutes

In the parking lot of my church, I tried to kneel and pray for eight minutes and forty-six seconds for my country’s troubled criminal justice system. I couldn’t do it. My back couldn’t take it. I only lasted two minutes before I had to simply squat. So typical of me! My prayers are too often superficial and feeble. Friends will share with me their distress — a mother in the hospital with complications from an amputation — a wife diagnosed with breast cancer and shingles — and two minutes later I’ve forgotten all about it. So typical! All the same, I am unashamed. While I admire those who pray passionately and persistently, my trust is in the One who responds to all prayers fervent or feeble, the One who responds even before we ask, the author of justice and peace, our understanding faithful friend.

Photo of people kneeling in prayer at the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Matthew, Wilmington, Delaware, on June 19, 2020.
Photo and text copyright 2020 by Danny N. Schweers.

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Sybil wrote:
There is something wonderful about the little boy looking up. “What’s going on?” “Will I do this when I grow up?” And a hundred more questions. It’s also such a powerful picture to simply see so many acknowledging awareness in a new way. The picture says so much in so many ways! Thank you, back and all.

Alice wrote:
Beautiful! Applies to me as well. Alice

Donna wrote:
Great picture....I’m impressed you made it two minutes!!!

David wrote:
Thank you Danny for this.

Peter wrote:
Thank God, your feeble prayers and mine are heard!

Great shot of the kid!

I couldn't kneel, either, but it was an extremely moving experience from walking down from 1st & Central, next to but enough distance from the quiet diners celebrating Juneteenth and their positive responses to our silent walking and then the 8 minutes 46 seconds.

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