So many ways to measure wealth:
family and friends,
income and assets,
health and good looks,
intelligence and skills,
education and achievements,
miles traveled and years remembered,
victories sweet and defeats redeemed,
wisdom won and apologies accepted,
trespasses forgiven and sins confessed,
prayers offered and thanksgivings said.
If there is nothing to watch on TV tonight,
we shall not complain.


Photo of lamp and television in Devonshire, England, 2004.

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Comments from readers

Marti wrote:
Thank you so much for sharing your picture and the very nice prayer! And thanks for a wonderful Workshop on Saturday. I'll try to put some of your "rules" into practice with the next pictures I take and get them to look great!!!

Deacon Dottie wrote:
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Marina wrote:
Thanks, Danny. Happy Thanksgiving!

Hugh wrote:
Amen and Happy Thanksgiving!

Jim wrote:
Such nice Thanksgiving thoughts!

Julie wrote:
I read somewhere that someone [Marcus Tillius Cicero] wrote: "If one has a library and a garden, one has enough.” So I have one of each and count myself a most blessed woman.

Mary wrote:
Lovely. Happy thanksgiving!!

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