Photo and prayer 2015 by Danny N. Schweers

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Some Comments from Subscribers, and the Author's Response

Pat wrote:
I only see sadness here. The dreams of yesterday are gone an all that remains are remnants of former life. It is interesting that you find comfort.

Terri wrote:
Such wise words, Danny. Now that I live in the South, I felt a tug when I saw the DMB in the background of your picture. And your phrase "the tyranny of expectations"--how they can rule out lives until we learn to let them go.

Marina wrote:
A thought provoking perspective. I am humbled by this devotion from the Upper Room, from Isaiah 53:1-5: "He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." We are made whole with the promise of God’s love – to see and believe is the challenge I face. May God grant us grace to be open to Good Friday and the wait until Easter Sunday.

Lloyd wrote:
I had missed this one! This is really good! I believe you were describing me during my recent illness. Being shut down and overgrown was beginning to be comfortable. Certainly my hair grew long (as long as it was going to get :-)


Thanks for your comments to this photo prayer. It and the prayer for the following week both talk about abandonment in different ways. The second prayer was more successful! Some day I will write these weeks ahead of time, so they can mature with age. Some day!