The only nativity scene that ever moved me was the one I found at the back of an antique store. The two hand-painted figurines of Joseph and Mary ($250 each) are big — over 3-feet tall. Call them statues. Their plaster is flaking. Baby Jesus (priced at $650) looks worse and has a broken toe. They may have had the spotlight in Christmases past, but now they sit on the floor next to the abandoned teddy bears. Do they not embody the plight of unsettled families everywhere? What will become of them? What will their story be? Who will take them in?


Photo of plaster statues of Jesus, Joseph, and Mary for sale in an antique store.
Photo and prayer copyright 2018 by Danny N. Schweers

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Hugh wrote:

Rosemary wrote:
So poignant. Thank you for reminding us.

Tom wrote:
Well said, Danny.

Tanya wrote:
Danny, Why put the prices in? To me that diminishes the message.

Elaine wrote:
On point. Thank you Danny.

Marina wrote:
I am moved by the photo and the back story related to the photo along with your observations. God bless you, Danny, for your thoughts on the “plight of unsettled families everywhere”. Just this morning, I heard about Cambodian refugees who grew up in the US who were about to be deported. Why are we deporting folks who consider themselves US citizens and have no connection with Southeast Asia? Yes they served time in jail and finished their sentences; but are we to abandon them to a country they never knew? We (the U.S.) played a part in “carpet bombing” Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam; that, some say, had a destabilizing role that led to serious consequences including genocide. I am reminded that the child Jesus escaped the murderous wrath of King Herod. Where are the angels who would warn families of grave danger even in their dreams? Even wide awake, do we listen?

Alice wrote:
Oh Danny. I love this . And yes, so many who are unsettled, wanderers in the wilderness as refugees or homeless or those who struggle with addiction or mental illness.. . Adrift . Mary and Joseph were wanderers that night when the kindness of the Inn Keeper helped them find a warm place in the barn. Where are the kind people today ? Where are the safe and warm places? Who will take them in during this season of abundance?

Nancy wrote:
Haunting! And beautiful. Thank you, Danny!

Kathy wrote:
Your comments are so true. Keeping hope alive.

Julie wrote:
Lovely meditation, Danny. So apropos to address today's climate of hatred and mistrust. I found this one extremely moving.

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