Our love is locked into place and we have thrown away the key. Let the bonds between us be as strong as the steel in this padlock and this chain-link fence. May affection flow between us as endlessly as the traffic below us. Like that traffic, our love will ebb at times, even become a trickle at times, but God willing we will have faith to wait for its returning flood. Protect our love, Lord, from the jaws of bolt cutters and the teeth of hacksaws. Be with us in sunshine, rain, and snow. Let us grow old together, the ties that bind us rusted solid.


Photo of love locks on the pedestrian overpass south of Trenton, New Jersey, at the Interstate 295 Scenic Overlook.
Photo and text copyright 2018 by Danny N. Schweers

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Marti wrote:
Very nice!

Bill wrote:
Good poem. I like the last line.

New Castle Presbytery https://www.ncpresbytery.org/
published this photo and prayer in its Midweek Musings newsletter of 10/10/2018.

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