There is something like art at the bottom of my coffee cup.
It's more Pollock than Dürer, da Vinci, or Rembrandt
but the technique is theirs — metalpoint —
marks made by moving a stylus across a surface.
Here's the photo! See how my stainless steel spoon
drew lines on the ceramic as I stirred cocoa into hot milk.
No, I didn't know I was making those marks.
I often don't know what I am doing,
what mark I am making in the world.
I am stirring things up anyway,
confident that God (and perhaps even you)
will forgive the bad and celebrate the good.
What was it the poet said?
“Artists don't know what's going on,
they are what's going on.”
Photo of spoon marks at the bottom of the author's coffee cup.
Photo and prayer 2016 by Danny N. Schweers
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Comments from readers
Bill wrote:
Tom wrote:
Man, Danny, you make a strong cup of coffee!
Binkie wrote:
Love this!
Betty wrote:
You are a genius Danny!
Ron wrote:
Great shot! I'll bet you could pull a few prints off that cup.
Craig wrote:
Not sure, but I think I can make out an image of Yogi Bera in the lower right corner. Was this intentional?
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