I say the boxwood has to go,
so I cut off all its branches,
dig at its roots,
smash it with a sledgehammer,
drill it with an augur, and
dig at its roots again.
Still it grips the earth for dear life.
Is it in agony?
Is it praying to you, Lord, for deliverance?
I have a vision for my yard.
I spend hours wielding shears,
loppers, saw, and mower.
And what about you, Lord?
Do you have a vision
for this world? For me?
And what tools are you wielding?


Photo of a battered boxwood shrub.
Photo and text copyright 2018 by Danny N. Schweers

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Kerry wrote:
So good Danny! Hey, have you seen my new website: www.kerryharrison.net? (It's 3 weeks old!)

Marti wrote:
Another great thought-provoking picture with sentiment, Danny! Of course, without your words, I probably wouldn't have even taken note of the GREEN LIFE growing from the stump! Wants to hang on!

Theresa wrote:
Here are comments from a friend of mine with whom I share your pics and prayers. If you wish, she certainly would not mind you including her remarks in your comments section.
Bonita wrote:
Dear Theresa, How appropriate is this poem and this picture during this time of deep division and strife in our nation. Maybe God is pruning us. Maybe we are being lead into a deeper trust relationship through this lopping and chopping. I sure feel it! Wonderful depiction of our stripped spiritual selves.

Anne wrote:
So much beauty in a battered boxwood! What a wonderful reminder, Danny.

Craig wrote:
You think this is bad, try crabgrass. True evidence that immortality is real… at least for grass…. [Yes, says Danny, bamboo is also a kind of grass.]

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