If I reduce my piles of clutter
from ten to six, shall I celebrate?
Some will say I should not have
let them rise in the first place.
Praise goes to those who build
lofty skyscrapers, not to those who
un-stack their forgettable things.
If I have cleared surfaces, taken
down the layers I let build up,
I do not expect praise.
Even so, today I will celebrate.
Four towers down and six to go!


Photo of a litter sweeper and Hudson Yards,
34th Street and 10th Avenue, New York City.

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Comments from readers

Roberta wrote:
I love your message, and I “relate.” I love pictures of buildings reflected in other buildings — always looking at that in Austin.

Katherine wrote:

Harold wrote:
Danny, LOVE that image. Nicely done.

Theresa wrote:
Hi Danny! Thank you so much for this timely and much needed prayer as I try to develop the mental and physical strength to declutter and organize. With each bag of ‘stuff’ I give or throw away, I experience such a feeling of accomplishment. Your gentle message is just the boost I need to to stay on task!

Marina wrote:
Lofty goal – clearing up built up clutter, in life as on office desks and bookshelves, wardrobes and closets. Otherwise, a debris avalanche (sudden catastrophic collapse — landslide — from an unstable side of a volcano) may occur. 😊 So celebrate while we can!

Ellen wrote:
Question- why can't you praise yourself for getting rid of stuff?

Tom wrote:
Super light, super geometry, and a message that reminds me of my own sloth!

Kathy wrote:
Pretty funny! After our talk about all our stuff!

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