Composite photo of author’s pointing hand and him huddling.

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Comments from readers

Holly wrote:
How did you DO that?!
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: A few weeks ago, with snow on the ground, I set the camera on a tripod and photographed myself huddled in front it. That is, I set the shutter release timer to 20 seconds, then jumped in front of the camera and waited for the camera to take my photo. Then I took many photos of my arm and hand pointing from the edge of the photo toward the center. The final image is a composite of me plus 13 arms layered in Photoshop. Graphically, it is very close to the flag of Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force, which had 16 rays.]

Emily wrote:
Danny: this is wonderful. Thanks. Emily

John wrote:
Wow! Danny; I always love these but this one really grabbed me. Thank you; I will now ponder the “Good Friday” meaning of this.

Craig wrote:
This is great Danny. Good idea and execution. But, could you not rhyme so much???? [AUTHOR’S NOTE: Craig gave me a rhyming dictionary last Christmas. He has been after me for years to make my lines rhyme. Now that he sees how poorly I do it…]

Anne wrote:
Brilliant, Danny! Best wishes for a joyous Easter celebration to you and Barbara.

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